Ashby Serves as Panelist for ABC of GA's Construction Workforce Crisis Symposium
August 07, 2018
Miller & Martin attorney Laura Ashby, a frequent speaker on topics such as Diversity and Implicit Bias in the Workplace, will serve as a panelist on August 7 for ABC of Georgia's symposium "Construction's Workforce Crisis: Attracting and Retaining Untapped Talent." The panel discussion will address a segment of the construction industry population that traditionally has been underrepresented - women and minorities. The symposium will help uncover implicit biases that could be getting in the way, while exploring ways for companies to evaluate their culture to uncover "hidden" aspects that could be hindering their ability to attract and retain often-overlooked talent.
Additional panelists include:
- Margaret Rauber, Vice President Operations, The Winter Construction Company
- Khalid Siddiqi, Professor and Chairman, Construction Management Department, College of Architecture and Construction Management, Kennesaw State University
- Facilitator: Cynthia Mills, President & CEO, The Leaders' Haven
For more information, click here.
2018-08-07 10:30:00 2018-08-07 13:30:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Maggiano's Little Italy - Cumberland Mall | 1601 Cumberland Mall SE, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30339 Ashby Serves as Panelist for ABC of GA's Construction Workforce Crisis Symposium