McCarter Presents Electric Vehicle (EV) Risks Workshop at Auto Intel Summit 2021
May 17, 2021
Miller & Martin's Automotive Industry Practice Chair Jason McCarter is among industry thought leaders presenting in conjunction with the Auto Intel Summit held virtually May 17-19, 2021. Mr. McCarter's On-Demand Workshop "Tempered Enthusiasm - A Survey of Electric Vehicle (EV) Risks" will cover some of the challenges and risks EV manufacturers, dealers and remarketers should consider in terms of reputational risk, liability concerns and insurance needs as they go down the exciting road of alternatively-fueled vehicles and investments.
2021-05-17 00:00:00 2021-05-19 12:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis McCarter Presents Electric Vehicle (EV) Risks Workshop at Auto Intel Summit 2021 The global excitement for alternatively-fueled vehicles and investments is palpable and, rightly so, given their environmental, maintenance, and torque advantages to traditional internal combustion engines. However, it’s not all “rainbows and butterflies.” There will be some tradeoffs for EV manufacturers, dealers, and remarketers to consider in terms of reputational risk, liability concerns, and insurance needs.