Stacie Caraway Presents at Tennessee Bar Association 2021 Labor & Employment Forum
May 06, 2021
Miller & Martin Attorney Stacie Caraway co-presented "ADAAA, FMLA, FFCRA and Other COVID-19 Related Hot Topics" along with Heather Collins of Collins & Hunter PLLC at the 2021 Labor & Employment Forum, a virtual CLE event hosted by the Tennessee Bar Association on May 6-7, 2021.
Presenters discussed ADAAA, FMLA, FFCRA and other COVID-19 related potential employment issues and claims from both a plaintiff and defense perspective. They highlighted current litigation trends in these areas along with the challenges of accommodating workplace issues such as employees who refuse to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or who want to continue working from home in light of having been allowed to do so for an extended period due to COVID-19. They also examined how to address ongoing COVID-19 related employee leave requests.
Click here for more information about the Tennessee Bar Association's 2021 Labor & Employment Forum.
2021-05-06 00:00:00 2021-05-07 12:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Stacie Caraway Presents at Tennessee Bar Association 2021 Labor & Employment Forum