Miller & Martin Attorneys to Speak at Georgia Bar's 2020 White Collar Crime Seminar
January 31, 2020
Miller & Martin litigation attorneys will provide thought leadership at the annual White Collar Crime conference hosted by the State Bar of Georgia on January 31, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. Danny Griffin, chair of Miller & Martin's White Collar & Corporate Investigations practice, will preside over the full-day conference, which will offer 6 CLE hours to Georgia attorneys.
Eileen Rumfelt will serve as a panelist in the session titled "White Collar Crime: Hot Topics and Latest Trends," while Lynsey Barron will participate on a panel discussing securities and financial fraud.
The conference will focus on the government’s most up-to-date priorities; the latest trends in securities, health care, corruption, and other fraud cases; and practical tips and trial tactics. Every panel will feature leading practitioners and current or former government officials from the Department of Justice, FBI, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Defender Program, and U.S. district court and magistrate judges.
To read more, please click here.
2020-01-31 07:45:00 2020-01-31 17:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Miller & Martin Attorneys to Speak at Georgia Bar's 2020 White Collar Crime Seminar